Frugal February: Cheap and Easy DIY Projects

Happy hump day yet again, friends and followers! Another week has sped past us and it is time for another post about a couple DIY projects that we have been working on in order to get ready for Karen’s big move-out day!  Both of the projects below are cheap and easy and can spruce up any apartment as well as any savings account.

Cork “K”
What you will need:
1. Cardboard (I used an old Amazon box”) as large as you would like your letter to be
2. Wine corks (I bought mine on Amazon prime – used about 250 corks)
3. Hot glue gun

1. Draw your letter on the cardboard (you may want to use a stencil or print out a large-fonted letter from the computer and trace)
2. Glue the corks wine side down to fill out the cardboard
3. Voilah! Your cork letter is complete!

Cork K

Side Table
What you will need:
1. 1 2x8x10 board
2. 1 2x4x10 common board
3. Drywall screws
4. Nails

1. Cut the larger board into 3 pieces that will make up the main sections of your table and use the drywall screws to connect them so it looks like a traditional table (we made the legs 2’4” and the top 2’8”)
2. Lay the table on its side and lay one of the thinner common boards so that it is laying diagonally across the table from the top corner to the opposite bottom corner.
3. Trace the bottom of the common board so that you have distinct lines on where the board should be cut so that the angles match up with the sides of the legs.
4. With a mitre saw, cut the common board along the lines that you traced and nail to the legs and corner of the table.
5. We haven’t done this part yet but paint your table the desired color and sand certain areas after the paint has dried to give it a retro vintage look.

Side table

FYI: The West Side Market is back in business! Go help out the vendors and buy some cheap and delicious food to cook up this weekend!

Check back in later this week to hear about some of the cheap fish fry’s in the greater Cleveland area!  The weekend is almost here!